B-Parts | Used Auto Parts

Car parts (Frequently Asked Questions)

How may we help you?

Parts sold at B-Parts are original used auto parts. They are original parts, cheaper than new ones, but as used parts they may contain signs of wear and tear.

The parts available at B-Parts are organized in our parts catalog by:

Airbags | Collision | Electrical and Electronics | Lighting | Engine and Transmission | Suspension.

These are the major areas of parts sold.

We advise our customers to select their vehicle and then choose, from the catalog, the type of part they are looking for. Before buying, you should check through the images, the manufacturer's references, or even the VIN, the compatibility of our parts with your vehicle. 

It is essential that the customer checks the compatibility of the parts with his vehicle, with the help of the brand and / or mechanic before placing the order.

The fact that there are photos of the full vehicles before they are dismantled does not mean that all the components visible in an image are available for purchase, or that accessories of a particular part are included in it, once ordered.

At the same time, in the case of used parts, there is a list of components that we do not sell, such as wear parts, wiring, tubes, hoses, hinges, springs, screws, brackets, moldings and all types of material that may be necessary to install correctly one part.

The parts are sold without accessories, as indicated in the product description.

All parts of a vehicle have an original reference.

Before buying, you should check through the images, the manufacturer's references, or even the VIN the compatibility of our parts with your vehicle.

The references that are in your old part are essential to find a compatible part. Compare the references with those of your old part, before buying, to ensure compatibility.

Note that small deviations in the part reference, for example, different letters at the end of a sequence have a major impact on interoperability with your vehicle.

As we have parts stored in different European countries, extracted from vehicles that were assembled in different factories, it is possible that the same model of a vehicle originally uses parts with different references. As such, customers should be made aware of the importance of knowing the part number to find parts compatible with their vehicles.

If the part number is not available in the B-Parts ads, the compatibility must be guaranteed by the customer by comparing the product images, the VIN number of the vehicle in which the part was installed or by consulting specialized workshops.

No. When using the license plate as a starting point for your search, keep in mind that the results only list parts for the make and model. Results do not validate compatibility with your vehicle's version or phase!

Car manufacturers change components for the same vehicle throughout the production cycle of each model, so the results do not validate compatibility with the version or phase of your vehicle!

The references that are on your old part are essential to finding a compatible part. Compare references with your old part before purchasing to ensure compatibility.

Note that small deviations in the part reference, for example different letters at the end of a sequence have a big impact on interoperability with your vehicle.

The parts marketed by B-Parts are used. They are original parts, cheaper than new ones, but as they are used they have signs of wear.

Used collision parts may have small touches or scratches in the paint, any additional damage is described in the observations as accurately as possible, or visible in the photographs. The color specifications are not binding and may differ despite the color code information.

When the vehicle is dismantled in the junk yards, only the parts in working order / good condition are used to be reused.

Parts sold by B-Parts are not reconditioned. They are used parts, able to be reused and that always have a guarantee. If something is not working properly, the After Sales Service always tries to help the customer to find a viable solution.

Yes, B-Parts has an alert system that allows the customer to be notified when a certain part may be back in stock.

You can register your research here: https://www.b-parts.com/en/store/part-alerts/create/

When you buy a car radio from B-parts, this part is not accompanied by its unlock code. This information must be requested from the vehicle manufacturer, there may be costs for this service. That is, with the purchase invoice and the chassis (VIN) from which the car radio was extracted, the customer must request the unlock code, essential for the installation of the part, from the local brand agent. It is not possible for B-Parts to provide which brands and in which countries this type of service implies the payment of an additional service.

When purchasing electronic parts, you will lose your warranty if the parts are handled or the warranty seals are breached. As such, we recommend that this type of parts are installed by professionals, endowed with means that allow the parts to be programmed, without any intervention that jeopardizes its guarantee.

When purchasing a control unit, you should take into account the following aspects:

- The control unit is locked to the vehicle from which it was disassembled, it is not ready for use.

- It will be necessary to reset the unit using a specialized tool in order to deprogramme it from the donor vehicle;

- In addition, it will be necessary to carry out the coding for the receiving vehicle;

- This operation must be carried out by a professional with the means to program the parts, without any intervention that calls into question the inviolability and guarantee of the same.

When purchasing a rearview mirror, you should take the following under consideration:

- For the same vehicle there are several types of mirrors, apparently the same, but with different functions (i.e.: electric folding, mirror heating, cameras, among others)

- To check the compatibility, you should check the number of pins/cables that your car's connector has installed, as the rearview mirror you purchase must have the same number of pins/cables.

The mirrors are not included in the part warranty, they are accessories that can be sent as a courtesy.

The ABS module is an anti-skid braking system that prevents all wheels from locking and skidding when the brake is applied, in order to provide vehicle stability and traction contact with the road surface.

Depending on the model, the ABS pump can consist of 2 or 3 elements:

+Electronic module - confirm manufacturer reference;

+Hydraulic block - confirm manufacturer reference; it can also have:

+Electric motor - confirm manufacturer reference;

When purchasing an ABS pump from B-Parts, you should take the following aspects into consideration:

- In order to work correctly, the references of the 2 components (or 3, if applicable) must be the same as those of the pump previously installed in the vehicle, otherwise the pump will not work.

- The ABS pump is locked to the vehicle from which it was dismantled and is not ready to be used in plug & play mode; 

- The pump will need to be reset using a specialized tool in order to be disconnected from the donor vehicle;

- The pump will also need to be coded for the recipient vehicle;

- This operation must be carried out by a professional with the means to programme the parts, without any intervention that could jeopardize the inviolability and guarantee of the part, i.e. if the part is opened, the guarantee will be void.